Behind the Name
Looking for character names? This site has search functionality for name origin, ethnicity, and sometimes the story and meaning by the name. It also has a name generator--good for fantasy genres.
JSTOR Digital Library
This is a digital library with access to more than 12 million articles, publications, images, and books. Authors are researchers, too! Create a free account for access.
Open Culture
Take online courses from the world’s top universities for free. From learning archaeology or Sanskrit, to writing or concepts of physics, these MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are a convenient way to discover a host of topics useful for the researching writer.
Open Library
This is a resource for publicly available books and other research materials. This free website provides access to digitized archives, historical books, and special collections of written works viewable online.
Smithsonian Open Access
Millions of digitized images from the Smithsonian collections, downloadable and free to use without permission (read the FAQs).
