It's good practice to read your manuscript out loud to find typos or issues with cadence, and grammar.
For a long time, I had the best of intentions to read my work out loud, but the fact is...I just never did. I write using Microsoft Word, which has a “Read Aloud” function. I started using this feature to have drafts read to me. It's become a reliable editing tool, flushing out all manner of things to fix.
(Note: older versions will likely have a more “robotic” voice and may limit the amount of text it will read. )
Other writing software likely has some version of Read Aloud. But since Word is what I use, the screenshot from the example below is Word as well .
Do an internet search to find this feature in other software, identify alternatives such as application add-ons, or to see if this is an option for whatever software you use and how to set it up.
